Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Today is the beginning.

My first blog. And I don't know what to say. So whats the point of me doing this? I have to try harder. At being a more social creature. At being a perfect housewife (even though I'm not a wife and I don't even live in a house, its a flat). At being a perfect mother. (I have a 5 month old named Lily). At being a healthy human being. At being just an overall decent person.

Well here are some of my good points:

  • I can play video games and actually enjoy them.
  • Sometimes I'm funny.
  • I'm a good listener.
  • I always make time for friends.
Here are my bad points:
  • I can get too involved in games and ignore things that need to be done.
  • I don't always laugh at other peoples jokes (I'm a hard person to make laugh).
  • I always listen and never talk.
  • I never make time for family.
Now I'm not a geek, but I do like video games, books, comics, D&D, computers, alternative music and converse shoes.

I'm rubbish at anything that doesn't involve any of the above. I hate housework and will go out my way to avoid doing it. At the moment I spend far too much time on the computer, which causes arguments between me and my boyfriend, Derek. So from now on I'm going to try my hardest to be good at everything (well, to a certain extent).

Wish me luck and good to meet you.


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